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Nichole Joy Show

Nov 9, 2021

I sat on my brand new microphone for 18 months before putting it to use. True story. And here we are, celebrating two years and approximately 30,000 downloads on the Doulas Going Digital Podcast! To celebrate, I invite you to share the podcast to your Facebook page, your stories, groups you’re in and so on. Thank you for being here, for downloading, for subscribing and for being in my community.


In this episode, you’ll learn what moved me to dust off the microphone and start actually speaking into it after 18 months. I was stuck in an illusion of perfectionism. If it (the podcast) wasn’t going to be perfect, it wasn’t going to happen.


And then, one workshop in the Fall of 2019 changed things. My friend and business peer, Carol, introduced the concept of doing B- work. It was both uncomfortable and freeing at the same time. That week, I started practicing talking into my phone (in the otter app), made a list of 40-50 podcast topic ideas, and emailed back the editor that I’d ghosted a year and a half earlier.


She was right. This podcast is a thing because I got comfortable starting with B- work. We all start somewhere, and get better over time. Most of us don’t sit on a bicycle as a kid, knowing exactly how to pedal and stay upright. Learning to ride a bike takes practice. As does writing a post for social media, supporting a family during birth, teaching a class, or anything else that feels like a mountain to you right now.


My advice (per my dear friend Carol): get comfortable with B- work. Start where you’re at.